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在美高梅mgm平台, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



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in tuition, interest on loans, and lost income and retirement savings.







Because We Want You To Succeed After You 研究生, We Are Offering You a 4-Year Promise.


Roberts will guarantee 毕业 within four years to qualified students entering the traditional undergraduate program. We commit to providing the courses, advising, instruction and support.


If you follow through on your responsibilities and are not able to graduate in 4 years, 美高梅mgm平台将支付你毕业所需的课程费用.

You’ll graduate with more than just a degree; you’ll be world
事业预备! 和美高梅mgm平台在一起4年,你会有更好的

4保证: 你会准时毕业的,美高梅mgm平台保证.

We will work with you to stay on track to complete your undergraduate degree in a major that aligns with your goals, 礼物, 和天赋. 如果你不确定你想学什么. 没问题,美高梅mgm平台会帮你的! Enter into our Academic Exploration Program and you’ll still be able to graduate in 4 years.

招聘会 四年职业规划: 为成功做好准备,为面试做好准备!

带着自信毕业,你会为接下来的事情做好准备. Our career plan is more than a templated approach and includes mentorship, 网络, 以及帮助你为未来职业做好准备的资源. 另外, you’ll have access to an interactive digital platform to keep you on track over your four years. Get hands-on-training through internships and study abroad opportunities. You can be assured that’ll you’ll leave Roberts with not only the technical know-how but also the moral attributes, 解决问题, 以及雇主所需要的批判性思维能力.

学生查经 4年精神培育: 在罗伯茨,精神和学术的成长是齐头并进的.

We aim to help you gain a stronger sense of yourself in Christ’s image through bible courses, 教堂, 任务之旅, 为他人服务. 利用你在这里的时间来成长,并反过来成长, gain a better perspective and higher empathy for those around you and across the world.

毕业生举起胜利的双手 40000美元的赠款 在过去的四年里,我通过罗伯茨机会基金获得了全部的奖学金.

罗伯茨机会补助金是10美元,000 per year to first-time full-time freshman students who represent character consistent with the goals of 美高梅mgm平台. 这项奖助金每年更新一次, and awarded to students who do not qualify for any academic scholarships.

If you fulfill your responsibilities and are not able to graduate in 4 years,


And we'll make it possible for you to reach that point with this generous opportunity grant.

罗伯茨机会奖助金8美元,000 per year goes to first-time full-time freshman students who represent character consistent with the goals of 美高梅mgm平台. 这项奖助金每年更新一次, and awarded to students who do not qualify for any academic scholarships.


联系 招生办公室.







别管那些烦人的文书工作. 这就像在上课前签一份合同一样简单



Be sure to meet with your academic advisor at least once a semester to stay on track for the 4-year 毕业 guarantee

Read further for step by step instructions throughout the 4 year process


The guarantee is limited to a one-degree program with a single major and no minor

  • This guarantee is only for those who begin their college education at Roberts.
  • Where options between courses are available, students are not guaranteed their first choice.
  • Students not able to register for the courses needed within four years must complete the free course(s) at 美高梅mgm平台 within two terms of the end of four years (e.g. a summer and fall for those completing four years in the spring; or spring and summer for those completing four years in the fall).
  • 此保证不适用于“第五年”课程(例如. certain teacher education credential requirements) or minimum units beyond 毕业 requirements (CPA qualifications, 等.四年制基本学士学位以外的课程.


  • Meet with your advisor and sign up for the guarantee during the fall semester of the freshman year.
  • Commit to your major and begin prerequisite or lower- division major courses by the second semester of your freshman year and keep that major until 毕业.
    • 对于包括护理学在内的科学专业来说, 生物学, 生物化学, 化学, 和物理, the major must be declared before registering for first semester courses.
  • Complete at least 30 credits in the first year and 32 credits each following year (average 16 per semester of continuous full-time enrollment).
  • Complete required courses successfully (see catalog for minimum acceptable grades) without dropping required or approved courses during a semester
  • Meet major-specific requirements including GPA and remaining in good standing academically and behaviorally with the University.
  • Meet with your advisor each semester for advising before registration opens and take the courses approved by the advisor that complete requirements, 以适当的顺序,并在它们可用时.
  • Register within the first allowed week of registration for specific class standing every semester to gain a spot in the classes needed.
  • Notify your advisor during registration week if you are unable to register for an approved course so that an alternative plan can be made.
  • 应用 for financial aid and submit required documents by appropriate deadlines.
  • 确保你的学生账户在到期时全额支付.
  • If you are admitted with Provision Standing, you are permitted to participate, too. 在这种情况下, you will need to complete 30 credits in the first year through enrollment in summer courses.
  • The four-year promise is based on continuous full-time enrollment and does not include loss of class time as a result of personal injury, 疾病, 或者其他个人情况.

