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Student Spotlight: 撒母耳 Carducci’22 (首页land Security and Applied Intelligence)

Bringing the “Real World” Into the Classroom


本周, we’re shining the spotlight on 撒母耳 (Sam) Carducci, an impressive student using his research skills to implement restorative practices in the world of criminal justice.

His professor 凯茜Buckert shares, “他是他信仰的证明, 纪律, 技术技能, 还有迷人的个性.”

What do you see yourself doing as a career?

I’d like to work as either an intelligence analyst or someone who interacts more with the cyber aspects of intelligence, such as someone who examines phones, 电脑, 和更多的.

Overall, I chose this field because I love helping people. Both of these help people stay safe and receive justice.

How will your Roberts education help you reach those goals?

I have been given opportunities to work with a variety of professors in “hands-on” learning, 哪个对我更好. Roberts showed me what it’s really like to work in this field.

I love all of my 首页land Security and Criminal Justice professors. They’ve all been in the field before, so they’re bringing their real-life experience as well as textbook 知识.

They all want the best for their students and give us opportunities such as to practice using software we’d actually use in our careers.

Tell us about your two research projects!

我的第一个项目 is working with the Reentry Association of Western New York (RAWNY).

Their mission is to improve the reentry process for individuals coming out of Criminal Justice Supervision in Monroe County.


RAWNY came to Roberts to research the reentry system. They want help securing a grant in order to become a central hub for individuals re-entering society.

I lead a team of 5 fellow students. Some of our activities on this project include…

  • Researching crime and recidivism (reoffense) rates in Monroe County
  • Working on survey instruments and analyzing the results
  • 策划研讨会

我帮助 罗伯茨主持了一个研讨会 对于这个项目. We were pleased to see staff from 30 community reentry organizations attend!

We met with RAWNY stakeholders to administer our surveys, 一对一访谈, 小组讨论. The small groups discussed their perfect vision of a central reentry hub.

Based on all of that and supplemented with work in the future, we have begun drafting a report.


My second project just started in March. Roberts is working with two schools in Buffalo that are part of Our Lady of Victory (OLV). We are doing research on restorative practices.

OLV offers education for those who have special needs, specifically those with serious emotional or behavioral challenges. Staff members are trained with the skills, 知识, and confidence needed to work with children in crisis.

Both projects gave me an opportunity to put myself in a position to grow. They have taught me how to become a better leader in an educational setting.


I work with the Irondequoit Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Unit, 我在2022年1月开始的工作.

They’ve given me opportunities to go on a ride-along, 去验尸, 未来还会有更多.

I also got to learn how to use different programs. 例如, I used a program called Offender Watch to update or capture information on sex offenders. I learned how to navigate a program called TRACS to access data about tickets and other statistical reports.

Tell us what you've been learning in the Cybercrime Investigations minor!

How to use different software such as ArcGIS, Autopsy, Electronic Evidence Examiner, and Cellebrite. I've earned certifications in Electronic Evidence Examiner!

We learn about metadata from phones and 电脑, emails, and even photos. We also had a project that looked into harddrives of “suspects” and was able to see everything from their emails, 通话记录, 图片, 回收站, 以及系统本身.



"As a student and lead research assistant overseeing numerous restorative justice initiatives, Sam exemplifies the core values pivotal to a successful future. He has demonstrated unparalleled dedication, 创造力, 纪律, and 技术技能 in each research project while infusing a sense of humor and staying true to his Christian values. Sam’s perspective on life and his approachable demeanor undoubtedly make him a role model for all students to emulate."

-凯茜Buckert, Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice


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